Charity Work

MedDent Dental is not only dedicated to providing exceptional oral healthcare but also committed to making a positive impact on our community. Through our ongoing charitable initiatives, we strive to extend a helping hand to those in need. At MedDent Dental, we believe in the power of giving back, and our team actively engages in philanthropic efforts to support the most vulnerable members of our community.

Whether it's organizing free dental clinics, partnering with local organizations, or offering pro bono services, we are passionate about contributing to the well-being of our community. By blending professional expertise with a compassionate heart, MedDent Dental aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing challenges, ensuring that everyone has access to essential dental care.

Our Team was recently given the opportunity to partner with Dr. Lazin's team at Lazin Family Orthodontics to talk to the Kindergarten Classes at Douglas MacArthur Elementary about oral hygiene and tooth care. We showed demos, gave out prizes and each student took home a dental care goodie bag. We really enjoyed seeing their wiggly teeth and all the hugs we received at the end!

Our MedDent Team participated in Community Outreach Day on July 15th! We were able to serve our community with free oral screenings and got to meet so many amazing people!

We Are Committed to Your Oral Health
At MedDent Dental, we are committed to ensuring your oral health is in excellent condition. We make this possible by attending to all dental issues, existing and potential, during your visit. Call today 317-300-6157.